Sparesnet Ads
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At we FREE offer our members a place where they can offer their
cars or spares For Sale. Ads can be browsed or you can search for specific
criteria to see if there are ads advertising exactly what you are looking for.
Finance Surance
The people browsing this site will be able to get free quotes from participating
banks for Finance for the cars that are place for sale from the Cardealers or
consumers.Click on Car Finance to receive a quote and You will be e-mailed a
quote back.
Vehicle Search
The site is going to create a place for Sparesnet Clients to receive free quotes
from participating Insurance Houses.Click on Car Surance for your free Quote.
Conditions of Use:
Only one ad will be allowed per member for the trial period.
Ads will be shown for two weeks after which they will be removed.
Sparesnet's only role in the transaction will be the displaying of the ads.
All sales will be kept private and has to be conducted between the buyer and seller.
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