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Here are some of the main functions of our Site

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  1. Online Services :
    For online purchasing or browsing select the online services icon on the menu on the left hand side. (spareshops, car dealers, fitment centers, garages, panel beaters breaker yards, car rental)

  2. Sales :
    This is where the consumer can place their second hand goods (cars, general spares, wanted items etc.). From here the consumer can browse both the Car dealers and second hand goods.

  3. Trade Login :
    Here is where all the Trade,which includes the Manufacturers, Wholesalers, Retailers, Cardealers and Trade can buy from one another at discount prices. All excess or dead stock(Z Movers) in the market can be sold to the trade at replacement cost from here.

  4. Car Dealers :
    Site where all the car dealers can sell their vehicles from their P.C. via the internet. The site allows for placing and removing of vehicles when bought or sold.


Our mission is to join the Automotive Sector, via the Internet, to create
a Global standard from which the manufacturers can be linked to OEM Manufacturers,
Car Dealers, Wholesalers, Retailers, Trade and finally to the consumer in one
continuous link to improve the efficiency of the market channels, thereby reducing
the cost of motoring Globally.

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